Rallying for the last 35% with 69 hours to go.

September 22, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Kickstarter helps small projects get off the ground. 

Just so happens mine is a very small project.

1.75 inches, in fact. 

What makes it so cool? It’s a real book with real pages, a real cover and a real spine with real recipes, words and pictures. You can open it and read it. It’s more than just a book on a shelf. You can wear it or hang it on your Christmas tree. You can give it as a gift or keep it for yourself.

It may be tiny, but this cookbook has big plans for the future.

It’ll change the way kids connect to food, get them excited about how they eat and what they eat. They’ll start cooking at home, experimenting, playing with their food, trying new things. But most importantly, it’ll bring happiness and joy to everyday life. Put it on your desk, wear it around your neck, hang it on your Christmas tree…wherever it goes, smiles will follow. A bite-sized reminder that the little things are the things that matter.

Once the Kickstarter is funded, it’s time to get to work! Prop shopping, editing and taste testing recipes, long photo shoots and many hours of editing, ordering accessories, working with the printers, and fine tuning every detail. Backers will be the first to receive their awesome rewards the first week in December! After that, more cookbooks will be sold at local shops and on Etsy.

With 118 awesome backers, I’m really excited to be almost there! Help fill the gap and make this project a success by sharing with friends and family or getting some holiday shopping crossed off your list.

With just 69 hours left, have you gotten a Bite-Sized cookbook yet?


The Bite-Sized Book of Bite-Sized Recipes. Kickstarter ends in just 69 hours. 9/25/14, 9:00pm EST


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